For citation:
Yeryomka V. D., Kopot M. A., Kulagin O. P. 32 GHz сold cathode magnetron with spaсe harmonics – nonlinear analytical calculation and 3d-simulation. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, vol. 22, iss. 3, pp. 53-62. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2014-22-3-53-62
32 GHz сold cathode magnetron with spaсe harmonics – nonlinear analytical calculation and 3d-simulation
The analytical estimation of the optimal parameters fulfilled for pulsed magnetrons with cold secondary-emission cathodes, operating at a frequency of 32 GHz with anode voltage of 8 kV and with magnetic field of about 0.4 Tesla. As shown, the geometry of the magnetron interaction space can ensure an interaction between electrons and the high-frequency field as for the (−1)-th space harmonic of π/2-oscillations, so for (+1)- th space harmonic π-oscillations in the drift-orbit resonance mode. Three-dimensional numerical experiments show that both modifications of the tube can provide the required power characteristics. The possibility to use the chosen non-linear analytical model for preliminary calculations of the operating parameters of the non-classical M- type spatia-lharmonics tubes is confirmed.
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