For citation:
Loskutov A. J., Rjabov A. B. Billiard type systems and Fermi acceleration. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2008, vol. 16, iss. 5, pp. 83-98. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2008-16-5-83-98
Billiard type systems and Fermi acceleration
Systems of billiard types with perturbed boundaries are described. A generalized dispersing billiard – the Lorentz gas with the open horizon – and a focusing billiard in the form of stadium are considered. It is analytically and numerically shown that, if the billiard possesses the property of the developed chaos, the consequence of the boundary perturbation is the Fermi acceleration. However, the perturbation of the nearly integrable billiard system leads to a new interesting phenomenon – the separation of the billiard particles in their velocities. This consists of the fact that if the initial particle velocities exceed some critical value (specific for the given billiard geometry) then the racing of the particle ensemble is observed. If the initial value is below the critical value, then the billiard particles are not accelerated. The dependence of the separation effect on the characteristic billiard parameters and the frequency of the boundary oscillations is described.
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- Loskutov A, Ryabov AB. (Sent to press).
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