For citation:
Pivovarov Y. P., Korolik V. V. А modern consideration of the problem of hygienic norms of biotechnological bacteria cultures in environment. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1996, vol. 4, iss. 1, pp. 96-101.
А modern consideration of the problem of hygienic norms of biotechnological bacteria cultures in environment
This work is the first to define the quantitative criteria and scheme of initial sanitary-hygienic evaluation of pathogenic characteristics of cultures of bacteria, proposed for biotechnological use. The reserved results prove the negative action of biotechnological cultures of bacteria on biocoenosis and processes of self-purifying of water in natural sources and soil. The division of industrial cultures of bacteria in groups according to the manifestation of their pathogenic characteristics and degree of action on environmental objects are given. The necessity of complex hygienic research work for finding out the normal concentration of industrial microorganisms is motivated. The main stages of research for hygienic norms of environmental concentration of biotechnical culture are described.
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