For citation:
Anfinogentov V. G., Hramov A. E. Nonauthonomous oscillations of electron beam with virtual cathode in the planar diode region. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1997, vol. 5, iss. 6, pp. 61-75. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-1997-5-6-61-75
Nonauthonomous oscillations of electron beam with virtual cathode in the planar diode region
The influence of external action on the oscillations of electron beam with virtual cathode in the planar diode is investigated. The results of numerical simulations are shown for model with modulated electron beam and model with action of external signal on the virtual cathode oscillation. It is shown that system demonstrates different nonlinear oscillations, including deterministic chaos and synchronization regimes. Features of both types of external action are considered and it is shown that modulation is the most effective method of control of the virtual cathode oscillation. The investigation of physical processes in the system demonstrates appearance of complex behaviour as а result of structure interaction in the beam. Synchronization regimes are connected with suppression of structure growth. Phase correlations between external signal and virtual cathode oscillations obtained from numerical simulations and physical experiments are in the good agreement.
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