For citation:
Odintsov S. A., Sadovnikov A. V. Nonlinear dynamics of spin waves in lateral magnetic microwaveguides. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, vol. 25, iss. 5, pp. 56-68. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2017-25-5-56-68
Nonlinear dynamics of spin waves in lateral magnetic microwaveguides
In the present work, a numerical and experimental study of the nonlinear dynamics of spin waves in lateral magnetic microwave guides was made. The mechanism of nonlinear spin-wave coupling between different types of modes in lateral waveguides was revealed. The investigation of lateral magnetic microstructures supporting both linear and nonlinear propagation of spin waves is of great interest nowadays. Moreover, the study of nonlinear modes of propagation of coupled spin waves in lateral magnetic microwave guides is of great importance for the nonlinear physics of dissipative systems as a whole. It is shown, that the inhomogeneous distribution of the value of the internal magnetic field leads to the variation of the spatial profile of the eigenmode of electromagnetic waves propagating in a system of lateral magnetic microwaveguides. The results of the numerical simulation are in good agreement with the results of the experimental study. The effects of nonlinear switching of the power of the spin-wave signal in systems of lateral magnetic microwave guides allow creating nonlinear couplers and power dividers of the spin-wave signal in the planar topologies of magnon networks for selective processing of information signals. It is shown, that an increase in the amplitude of the spin wave leads to a change in the coupling length. The effects of nonlinear switching in lateral magnetic waveguides allow the creation of nonlinear couplers and power dividers of the spin-wave signal in planar topologies of magnonic networks for selective processing of information signals in the microwave and terahertz ranges.
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