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Poizner B. N. On «subject» of self-organization. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1996, vol. 4, iss. 4, pp. 149-158.

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On «subject» of self-organization

Poizner Boris Nikolaevich, National Research Tomsk State University

A self-organization phenomenon is considered in context of the modern biological and sociocultural evolution theories. In order to describe clearly the origin of «order from chaos» in the system undergoing a bifurcation the concept of replicator (R) - the unit of self-reproducing information is used. The content of R-concept is concretized to dynamics of laser and other oscillators. The R is interpreted as a «subject» of selforganization in the open systems. Some problems to which this interpretation of R is applicable are listed.

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