For citation:
Rozhdestvenskij V. V., Struchkov I. N. Chaotic transients in systems with nearly even nonlinearity. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1993, vol. 1, iss. 1, pp. 83-92.
Chaotic transients in systems with nearly even nonlinearity
We study the chaotic transients observed in radiophysical autogenerators with many degrees of freedom and nearly even nonlinearity. The existence of chaotic transients, associated with the boundary crisis and earlier observed in one- and twodimensional maps, was experimentaly confirmed for the first time in such systems. There were also discovered the chaotic transients of a new type (so-called "uncrisis” chaotic transients), whose average lifetime depends upon the system parameter p (autogenerators amplifying factor) via t(p} = t0exp (с0, р), with t0, с0) - some constants. The two-dimensional non one-to-one map is examined, which demonstrated uncrisis chaotic transients. Such maps were unknown earlier.
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