For citation:
Zimnyakov D. А., Sviridov A. P., Omelchenko A. I., Trifonov V. V., Agafonov D. N., Zhakharov P. V., Kuznetsova L. V. Speckle diagnostics of relaxation processes in non-stationary scattering systems. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2002, vol. 10, iss. 3, pp. 188-204. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2002-10-3-188-204
Speckle diagnostics of relaxation processes in non-stationary scattering systems
Coherent optical method of the study of non-stationary mass transfer in scattering systems оn the basis of statistical analysis оf spatial-temporal fluctuations of speckle intensity is considered. Non-stationary mass transfer in the case оf saturating liquid phase evaporation from a disordered porous layer and structure modification of IR-laser-mediated cartilage tissue are discussed as the possible applications of the developed speckle-diagnostical technique. For liquid phase evaporation from а porous layer, the specific feature such as the anomalous broadening of spectra of speckle intensity fluctuations with decrease оf the liquid phase evaporation rate was found out. This feature is caused by peculiarities оf development of the fractal-like interface between liquid and gaseous phases in а porous layer. In the case оf the thermally induced structure modification оf а cartilage tissue, the hysteresis-like form оf dependence of the time-averaged contrast оf speckle-modulated tissue image оn the tissue temperature inside the treatment zone is characteristical. The effect оf cartilage thermal modification is presumably caused by the «bound-to-free water» transition in the proteoglycane aggregates аs one оf the basic components of the tissue structure.
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