For citation:
Molkov J. I., Sushik M. M., Kuznetsov A. S., Kozlov A. K., Zakharov D. G. The dynamical model of locomotor-like movements evoked by muscle vibration in humans. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1999, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 107-121. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-1999-7-2-107-121
The dynamical model of locomotor-like movements evoked by muscle vibration in humans
A phenomenological model of central pattern generator is proposed for qualitative description, within the framework of ftraditional concepts of motoneural and skeleto—muscular sysiem of human leg, of dynamics of spontancous stepping movements evoked by muscle vibration. In particular, it describes bistability of «forward» and «backward» stepping and chaotic transitions between them. The model consists of two self-excited oscillators with nonlinear coupling, the action of which resembles qualitatively the action of a combination of excitatory and inhibitory chemical couplings typical for neural networks. The analysis is made on the example of the interaction of two identical Van der Pol - Duffing generators.
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