For citation:
Solntsev V. A. The nonlinear phenomena in vacuum microelectronic structures. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1998, vol. 6, iss. 1, pp. 54-74. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-1998-6-1-54-74
The nonlinear phenomena in vacuum microelectronic structures
The results of researches of physical processes in vacuum microelectronics structures with matrixes field emission of cathodes (FEA) are given. A number of theory methods, nonlinear phenomena and structures known earlier and offered recently are considered: calculation of harmonics of a current and decision of the equations of a electrons movements in structures with modulation of emission, microwave diode with FEA, high-frequency field emission contact, BWO with auto modulation of emission (carcinotrode), fractal fieid emission the cathode. The general approaches to construction of the analytical and numerical theory of devices with modulation of emission are developed. The classification of modes of operations of the diode with FEA is given and
the complete picture of behavior of efficiency and electronic conductivity of the diode with FEA in modes without cutoff and with the current cutoff is received; the limiting efficiency makes 30-40 %. The influence of heterogeneity of а field at the cathode is considered. The opportunity of existence of the high-frequency field emission contact between two conductors is shown with absence of а static field, the characteristic distinguished from the F-N law is found. The nonlinear theory of BWO with automodulation of emission by a field of a return wave is offered and the opportunity of essential increase of efficiency from 15 % in usual BWO up to 35 % in carcinotrode is shown with the conservation of electronic tuning of the frequency. The opportunity of the
further increase of efficiency in the isophase carcinotrode up to 60-70% is аlso shown. For getting of the limiting characteristics of considered structures fractal field emission cathodes with the special form of а surface are offered, the possibility of essential gain of an electrical field on tips and increase of а current for the limited voltage from such cathodes is shown.
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