For citation:
Kuznetsova G. D., Pelinovskij D. E., Yakhno V. G. Mathematical models of the dynamics of the spreading depression waves in cerebrum cortex. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1994, vol. 2, iss. 3, pp. 86-99.
Mathematical models of the dynamics of the spreading depression waves in cerebrum cortex
The experimental data on the dynamics of the spreading depression waves and some fronts of convulsive activity in cerebrum cortex are compared with the known collective activity structures in the models of neuro-like media with nonlocal spatial coupling and self-consistant excitation threadshold. It is shown that the pulsing sources of temperature activity which were discovered at the investigation of the cerebrum cortex of a rat can be described using the model of neuro-like medium by additional inhibiting action of the local low-inertial excitation threashold. The pecularities of the dynamics of the propagating and pulsing structures are investigated by means of qualitative analysis and computer simulation of the corresponding neuro-like medium.
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