For citation:
Anishchenko V. S., Saparin P. I., Kurts J. ., Vitt A. ., Foss A. . Analyzing the dynamics of cardiac rhythms of a man using the renormolized entropy as a criterion. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1994, vol. 2, iss. 3, pp. 55-64.
Analyzing the dynamics of cardiac rhythms of a man using the renormolized entropy as a criterion
Different regimes of a heart’s functioning are analyzed using a new method of renormolized entropy, which solves as a quantitative measure of relative degree of their order. It was found out by means of clinical investigation that the renormolized entropy of a sequence of RR—intervals allows one to diagnose the pathological variations in the cardiacrhythm’s dynamics, which are connected with different diseases. The variations of the given characteristics are the framework to a new classification of the heart diseases according to a violation of degree of order of a cardiac rhythm’s dynamics.
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