For citation:
Kurushina S. E., Maksimov V. V. Noise-induced phase transitions in competition processes in the external fluctuated media. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2010, vol. 18, iss. 1, pp. 88-100. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2010-18-1-88-100
Noise-induced phase transitions in competition processes in the external fluctuated media
The influence of external additive homogeneous isotropic field of Gauss fluctuations to evolution of competition processes, which described by Lotka–Volterra equations, where taking into account the mobility of weak population individuals and spatial and temporal fluctuations of resource, has been researched. The numerical simulation of considered model was performed. It was shown that considered system have three different types of stationary solutions: classical solution, which corresponds to extinction of weak population; solution, which similar to phenomenon of kinetic transition, called «occupation of environment»; and a new type of solutions, which correspond to stationary state, where average in volume and asymptotic in time density of population size of weak species more than corresponding density of population size of strong species. Parametric diagrams for different types of solutions were plotted. Average in volume and asymptotic in time density of population size of weak and strong species dependences from main parameters were investigated.
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