For citation:
Mchedlova E. S., Krasichkov L. V. The piecewise-linear model of the Van der Pol oscillator under external periodic force: complex dynamics, peculiarities of behaviour at the parameter plane. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2002, vol. 10, iss. 6, pp. 54-61. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2002-10-6-54-61
The piecewise-linear model of the Van der Pol oscillator under external periodic force: complex dynamics, peculiarities of behaviour at the parameter plane
The electronic model of Van der Pol oscillator with piecewise-linear currentvoltage characteristics of nonlinear element is proposed. Experimental investigations of behaviour of the Van der Pol oscillator under external sinusoidal force were carried out. The parameter plane (external force amplitude - frequency) for the dynamical regimes of the oscillator was experimentally plotted. Numerical simulations of peculiarities of the oscillator model were carried out. In natural and numerical experiments it was shown that transition to chaos in the oscillator takes place through the period doubling cascade. It was revealed that the internal structure of the synchronization tongues looks typically as for the crossroad area.
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