For citation:
Bliokh Y. P., Ljubarskij M. G., Nusinovich G. S., Podobinsky V. O. Influence of plasma nonlinearity on process of radiation stochastization in beam-plasma microwave oscillators. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1999, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 56-68. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-1999-7-2-56-68
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Influence of plasma nonlinearity on process of radiation stochastization in beam-plasma microwave oscillators
Bliokh Yury Pavlovich, Israel Institue of Technology "Technion"
Ljubarskij M. G., National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology
Nusinovich Grigorii Semenovich, University of Maryland, College Park
Podobinsky Vitalii Olegovich, National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology
A plasma—filled traveling—wave tube with а feedback is considered. The effect of the transverse component of the ponderomotive force on plasma density causes an additional phase shift of the wave which in a system with feedback significantly decreases the threshold for appearance of stochastic oscillations.
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The work was supported by the Ukrainian Science and Technology Center (Project 256), NАТО ISCL Grant № HTECHLG951541, DoD MURI program (Grant № AFOSR F496209510358).
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