For citation:
Galenko P. K., Krivilyov M. D., Emelyanov K. V. Bifurcations in a structure of a free-growing dendrite during solidification of a binary system. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1999, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 122-136. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-1999-7-2-122-136
Bifurcations in a structure of a free-growing dendrite during solidification of a binary system
Using a model of local nonequilibrium solidification of supercooled binary system the dynamics of a motion of the liquid—solid interface having dendritic structure is investigated. The morphological spectrum of side—branch surface of a free—growing dendrite is defined. The modification of dendritic structure is considered in an association with two controlling parameters: an initial undercooling and position from the tip of dendrite which is define local undercooling at the phase interface. Due to the values of these parameters the interface can become unstable, periodic, and bifurcate with doubling, trebling of the period and so on.
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