For citation:
Volkov D. V., Stolayrov M. N., Volkov Y. I. Effective numerical method for the study of the inhibitory coupled very stiff oscillators dynamics. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1996, vol. 4, iss. 3, pp. 77-88.
Effective numerical method for the study of the inhibitory coupled very stiff oscillators dynamics
A method of the numerical investigation of the inhibitory coupled relaxation oscillators systems based on the efficient one-dimensionality of limit cycle of isolated oscillator is proposed. Y(Y) dependence linearisation (where Y is а slow variable) was used in the above-mentioned method for а slow area of а limit cycle. A fast variable dynamics is reduced up to instantaneous jumps from one slow cycle area to another. Represented calculation method, which provides 30-times reduction of computing time, let us to investigate all solutions appearing in the initial system of differential equations which are not influenced by the fast variable dynamics. A good accordance with the traditional method of numerical solution of differential equations for three coupled oscillators was shown and the possible types of rotating waves were found. The method advantages and disadvantages were discussed.
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