For citation:
Arhipov A. V., Bogdanov L. Y., Voskresensky S. V., Levchuk S. A., Luksha O. I., Sominski G. G. Investigation of space charge oscillations and structure formation in magnetically confined electron beams. Part II. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1995, vol. 3, iss. 5, pp. 35-54.
Investigation of space charge oscillations and structure formation in magnetically confined electron beams. Part II
In a number of very different systems with magnetically confined electron beams «momentary» spectra of space charge oscillations had been experimentally obtained, as well as certain information on spatial location and structure of these oscillations. Spectra with different degree of disorder were registered, and some factors responsible for alteration of this degree were found. Influence of an external signal upon electron collective behaviour has also been studied.
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