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Izvestiya VUZ
applied nonlinear dynamics
ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)
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Early Access
Conferences. Meetings. Symposia. Scientific Schools
Nonlinear days in Saratov for young scientists - 2002
School-conference Nonlinear days in Saratov for young people - 2015
XVI International Winter School-Seminar on Radiophysics and Microwave Electronics
International Crimean Conference "Microwave Technology and Telecommunications Technologies"
School-conference "Non-linear days in Saratov for young people - 2014"
V All-Russian School with International Participation "Nonlinear Dynamics and Innovative Technologies in Physiology or Medicine" VII All-Russian Symposium "Variability of Heart Rate and Slow Oscillatory Processes in the Human Body"
X International School "Chaotic Self-Oscillations and Structure Education - 2013"
Scientific school-conference Nonlinear days in Saratov for young people - 2012
XV International Winter School Seminar on Microwave Electronics and Radiophysics
Scientific school-conference Nonlinear days in Saratov for young people - 2011
International Youth Conference Nonlinear Dynamics in Cognitive Research - 2011
XV International Winter School Seminar on Microwave Electronics and Radiophysics
II All-Russian Conference Nonlinear Dynamics in Cognitive Research
Chaotic self-oscillations and the formation of structures CHAOS-2010
Current problems of electronic instrumentation. APEP-2010 IX International Scientific and Technical Conference
Statistical Physics and Information Technology "Statinfo-2009"
Education in Russia: yesterday, today, tomorrow
Complexity and self-organization. The future of the world and Russia
VIII International School "Chaotic Self-Oscillations and Structure Education"
XI International School for Young Scientists and Students in Optics, Laser Physics and Biophysics
XIII Winter school-seminar on microwave electronics and radiophysics
XVII International Winter School on Radiophysics and Microwave Electronics. Russia, Saratov, 3–10 February 2018
Linear theory of multisection broadband twt with inhomogeneous helix slow wave structure
Features of time-spatial structure formation of the multiwave cherenkov-oscillator radiation
Models of volume free electron lasers
Effect of reflection from remote load on mode competition in gyrotron with quasi-optical mode convertor
Nonlinear dynamics at the v congress of biophysicists of russia
Synergetics and geoecology: ways of coevolution
Хаос-91: обзор номера
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