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Kravchenko N. P. About scientific creativity of Victor A. Solntsev. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, vol. 26, iss. 2, pp. 69-86. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2018-26-2-69-86

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621.385.632+929 Солнцев

About scientific creativity of Victor A. Solntsev

Kravchenko N.P. P., National Research University "Higher School of Economics"

Aim. The main stages of scientific activity of V.A. Solntsev from the student’s bench to the leader of the scientific school on radiophysics and microwave electronics are investigated. Method. Based on the primary publications, the main directions of the creative path of the scientist, whom determined the electronic age of the time, are analyzed. Results. It is shown how timely V.A. Solntsev found a substitute for research and calculation methods that ceased to satisfy the demands of science and production, and resolutely went on to develop new principles of amplification and generation, accurately determining the expiration time of previous methods and principles and giving way only to the routine apparatus. Discussion. Great educational work and scientific and organizational role of the outstanding scientist were noted.

  1. Solntsev V.A. Theory of the interaction of two electron beams moving in a periodic electrostatic field. Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Radiofizika, 1958, vol. 1, iss. 5–6, pp.127–138 (in Russian).
  2. Solntsev V.A., Tager A.S. Electronic waves and their interaction with the field of waveguide systems. Radioteknika i Elektronika, 1959, vol. 4, iss. 10, pp. 1652–1659 (in Russian).
  3. Solntsev V.A., Tager A.S. Excitation of waveguide systems by an electron beam with a given modulation. Radioteknika i Elektronika, 1960, vol. 5, iss. 7, pp. 1100– 1111 (in Russian).
  4. Solntsev V.A. Propagation of Waves in Periodic Electron Flows and Their Interaction with the Electromagnetic Field of Waveguide Systems. Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences. Lobachevsky State University of Gorky, 1960. 190 p. (in Russian).
  5. Ovcharov V.T., Solntsev V.A. Application of the simplified nonlinear equations of a traveling wave tube for calculating lamps of O-type. Radioteknika i Elektronika, 1962, vol. 7, iss. 12, pp. 2013–2023 (in Russian).
  6. Mchedlidze G.G., Solntsev V.A. Wave method for solving nonlinear TWT equations. Radioteknika i Elektronika, 1972, vol. 17, iss. 10, pp. 2227–2230 (in Russian).
  7. Trubetskov D.I. Ovcharov–Solntsev method in the theory of non-traditional microwave devices. Proceedings of the V.A. Solntsev All-Russian Conference «Problems of Microwave Electronics», 2017, Moscow, pp. 5–6.
  8. Solntsev V.A. Excitation of homogeneous and periodic waveguides by external currents. Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 1968, vol. 38, iss. 1, pp. 100–108 (in Russian).
  9. Solntsev V.A. On the forces acting on an electron beam in a TWT. Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 1968, vol. 38, iss. 1, pp. 109–117 (in Russian).
  10. Malyshenko V.I., Solntsev V.A. Nonlinear analysis of multifrequency TWT operation modes at similar frequencies. Electronnaya Tekhnika, ser. 1, Electronika SVCh, 1972, iss. 10, pp. 16–26 (in Russian).
  11. Solntsev V.A. Nonlinear phenomena and space charge in electronic devices of O-type. Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Sciences. TsNIRTI, Moscow, 1973, 390 p. (in Russian).
  12. Vainshtein L.A., Solntsev V.A. Lectures on Microwave Electronics. Sov. Radio, Moscow, 1973 (in Russian).
  13. Trubetskov D.I., Khramov A.E. Lectures on Microwave Electronics for Physicists. Vol.1, Fizmatlit, Moscow, 2003 (in Russian).
  14. Solntsev V.A., Kravchenko N.P. Wave linear theory of TWT near the boundary of the passband. Radioteknika i Elektronika, 1978, vol. 23, iss. 5.
  15. Solntsev V.A., Osin A.V. Method of fast analysis of devices of O-type with discrete interaction. Radioteknika i Elektronika, 1979, vol. 24, iss. 7 (in Russian).
  16. Solntsev V.A., Romashin N.L. On the account of the intrinsic magnetic field of the beam in the nonlinear theory of TWT. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 1980, vol. 23, iss. 2 (in Russian).
  17. Kravchenko N.P., Solntsev V.A. Determination of combinational coupling impedances of periodic slow-wave structures using experimental data. Radioteknika i Elektronika, 1980, vol. 25, iss. 3, pp. 601–605 (in Russian).
  18. Kravchenko N.P., Malykhin A.V., Petrov D.M., Solntsev V.A. Theoretical study of the limiting modes of devices of the O-type. Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Microwaves, 1980, Warsaw.
  19. Solntsev V.A., Romashin N.L. About the construction of various forms of the theory of excitation of periodic waveguides. Radioteknika i Elektronika, 1983, vol. 28, iss. 9 (in Russian).
  20. Solntsev V.A., Romashin N.L., Kravchenko N.P. Generalized theory of excitation of periodic structures, obtaining and classification of particular theories. Spatial charge. Lectures on Microwave Electronics and Radiophysics, 5th Winter Engineering Workshop, book 1, Saratov State University, Saratov, 1983 (in Russian).
  21. Romashin N.L., Solntsev V.A. The laws of similarity of relativistic electron-wave O-systems. Radioteknika i Elektronika, 1986, vol. 31, iss. 2 (in Russian).
  22. Kravchenko N.P., Romashin N.L., Solntsev V.A. Investigation of the conditions for self-excitation of electron-wave systems during the interaction of electrons with two synchronous waves. Radioteknika i Elektronika, 1987, vol. 32, iss. 6 (in Russian).
  23. Mukhin S.V., Solntsev V.A. Description of the interaction in the TWT with a chain of coupled resonators based on the waveguide-resonator model. Radioteknika i Elektronika, 1988, vol. 33, iss. 6 (in Russian).
  24. Romashin N.L., Solntsev V.A. Space Charge Fields in Devices with Electron Beam of High Density. 2nd International Conference on Vacuum Microelectronics, 24–26 July, 1989, Bath, UK.
  25. Romashin N.L., Solntsev V.A. Contribution to the Problem of Constructing Different Forms of the Theory of Excitation of Periodic Waveguides. 4th International School for Space Simulation (ISSS-4), 2–6 April, 1991, Nara 630, Japan.
  26. Vainshtein L.A., Kleev A.I., Solntsev V.A. Spontaneous and induced emission of electrons interacting with the whispering gallery wave. Radioteknika i Elektronika, 1991, vol. 36, iss. 2, pp. 377–386 (in Russian).
  27. Solntsev V.A. Theory of waveguides excitation. Izvestiya VUZ, Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2009, vol. 17, iss. 3, pp.55-=89 (in Russian).
  28. Solntsev V.A., Koltunov R.P. Analysis of the equations of discrete electron-wave interaction and electron-beam bunching in periodic and pseudoperiodic slow-wave structures. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2008, vol. 53, pp. 700–713.
  29. Mukhin S.V., Nikonov D.Y., Solntsev V.A. Investigation of the bandpass properties of the local impedance of slow-wave structures. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2008, vol. 53, pp. 1250–1258.
  30. Nazarova M.V., Solntsev V.A., Koltunov R.P., Shabanov D.S. Study of discrete electronwave interaction in the passband and stopband of slowwave systems. Izvestiya VUZ, Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2012, vol. 20, iss. 3, pp. 118–131 (in Russian).
  31. Solntsev Victor A. Beam-wave interaction in the passband and stopbands of periodic slow-wave systems. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, July 2015, vol. 43, No. 7, pp. 2114–2122.
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