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Izvestiya VUZ
applied nonlinear dynamics
ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)
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History. Personalia
90 years of Saratov University
For the sake of «mankind’s education»: to the history of the university foundation in Saratov
Московское Физическое Общество имени П.Н. Лебедева. Отчет за 1916-1917 год.
Professor V.D. Zernov letters of the period of foundation and development of Saratov University 1909-1914
Professor V.D. Zernov letters of the period of foundation and development of Saratov University
Y.L. Klimontovich
Chair of Electronics, oscillation and waves of Saratov state university
Mitenkov F.M. On the 85th anniversary
In memory of Heinrich Grigorievich Monosov
Special performance of academician Yulia Borisovich Khariton
Physicists. An outsider's view
Memories of Sergey Pavlovich Strelkov
In memory of Alexander Sergeyevich Pobedonostsev
The memoury of V. S. Afraimovich (2.04.1945 – 21.02.2018)
Physicists at the quarter century anniversary of Sаratov University
Investigations of the hf noise generation in ire of academy of sciences of ussr at 1962–1967 years – the beginning of the new science direction
About the «book of destinies» of physics faculty msu graduating students 1952
Trubetskov Scientific School
On the development of a physical experiment in microwave electronics and nonlinear dynamics
James Clerk Maxwell: two remarkable dates
Shulim Efimovich Tsimring. Years of team-work
The text of the speech at the award ceremony named after N.E. Zhukovsky
Ascetic in the field of physical education: in memory of Nikolai Mikhailovich Kozhevnikov
Year of physics: etudes about Einstein
From the reminiscences on L.A. Vainshtein
About the history of nonlinear integral equations
Our first teachers: pages of biographies by p. N. Lebedev and n. N. Semenov
To the memory V. S. Andrushkevich
Андронов александр александрович
Памяти льва израилевича каца
Хаос, порядок, время в древних картинах мира
University universe of the principal g. K. Hvorostin: the birth and the death
Creator of the future
Hommage Dmitry Ivanovich Trubetskov, or scientist and times: typology of relations
Richard Feynman and Julian Schwinger and condensed matter physics in the soviet union
I studied in the Soviet Union
"What dates are round?"
Two thousand and seventh year in dates of nonlinear dynamics
Two thousand and seventh year in dates of nonlinear dynamics
About scientific creativity of Victor A. Solntsev
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