For citation:
Kuznetsov S. P. Absolute and convective instabilities and pattern formation in a model of distributed reaction - diffusion system with flow. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1999, vol. 7, iss. 4, pp. 3-20. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-1999-7-4-3-20
Absolute and convective instabilities and pattern formation in a model of distributed reaction - diffusion system with flow
One-dimensional model of chemical reaction-diffusion system is considered with a uniform flow of the mixture of the reaction components. Transitions from convective to absolute instability of Hopf and Turing type are studied, which take place under a change of the flow rate. Connection between character of the instabilities and process of patiern formation is discussed. A possibility of «chemical Cherenkov effect» is noted, that is excitation of standing wave structure while non-equilibrium constant concentrations are pumped at the input of the reactor. Behavior of the system near threshold of the absolute instability under influence of fluctuations and possibility of noise-induced absolute in-stability is shortly discussed.
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