For citation:
Yanovsky V. V., Najdenov S. V., Kurilo A. V. Chaotic modes of asymmetric circular billiard with beams reflection and refraction. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2007, vol. 15, iss. 1, pp. 42-60. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2007-15-1-42-60
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514.8; 517.938; 530.182
Chaotic modes of asymmetric circular billiard with beams reflection and refraction
Yanovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich, Institute of Monocrystals of NAS of Ukraine
Najdenov Sergej Vjacheslavovich, Institute of Monocrystals of NAS of Ukraine
Kurilo Artem Viktorovich, Institute of Monocrystals of NAS of Ukraine
The paper studies the chaotic dynamics in circular asymmetric billiard with beams reflection and refraction. Phase dynamics is characterized by a variety of dynamics modes, which is connected with the effect of traditional chaotization mechanisms as well as with the complicacy of allowable motion laws. In the multisheet symmetric phase space, the circular billiard reconstructions have been analysed its asymmetry degrees changes.
Key words:
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