For citation:
Vorobjeva T. N. Dynamic homoeostasis: equilibrium, steady state, chaos?. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1996, vol. 4, iss. 1, pp. 102-108.
Dynamic homoeostasis: equilibrium, steady state, chaos?
The steady state (s.s.) is а very important notion for understanding of nature and functional mechanisms оп various biclogical systems. Physiological homoeostasis is one of the notions connected with mathematic notion of the s.s. The character of organisms functional changes under variation of environmental conditions depends on the number оf s.s. and types of stability, which are programmed by the system’s structure. At complex nonlinear dynamic system as а result of the system’s nonstability the regimes known as «trigger», «oscillator» and «chaos» may arise. A set of mathematical models is analysed, which demonstrate different regimes: the biological electron and membrane transport systems, the heart rate dynamics.
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