For citation:
Ezerskij A. B., Polukhina O. E., Brossard J., Marin F., Mutabazi I. Dynamics of solitons excited in resonators on the surface of shallow water: theory and experiment. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2004, vol. 12, iss. 1, pp. 138-158. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2004-12-1-138-158
Dynamics of solitons excited in resonators on the surface of shallow water: theory and experiment
Excitation of solitons of surface waves in resonators is investigated. It was found that solitons may be generated on the shallow water surface against the background of a large-scale resonator mode. Multistability and period doubling of nonlinear waves excited in the resonator were found. Spatio-temporal diagrams were ploited for different regimes of wave excitation. Spatio-temporal dynamics of nonlinear fields of soliton excitation in a resonator and in an unbounded system were compared. Two approaches were used for theoretical description of solitons excitation. The first one was based on searching solutions of ordinary differential equations for phase and amplitude of soliton propagating against the background of harmonic wave and the second one was based оп direct numerical calculations of Euler equations in the Boussinesq approximation. Qualitative investigation of equation for amplitude and phase of solitons and numerical simulation allowed us to explain the characteristics of solitons observed in the experiment.
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