For citation:
Gerus S. V., Lock E. H. Experimental methods for the study of spin waves. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, vol. 30, iss. 5, pp. 520-533. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-003002, EDN: ZYFAEY
Experimental methods for the study of spin waves
Purpose of this paper is to give an overview of various experimental methods for investigation of spin waves characteristics. Methods. The paper presents a description of a number of experimental techniques, such as the probing method, the phase shift method, the method of measure of equiphase dependences, the method of intersecting wave beams, and the use of Fourier analysis of the complex transfer coefficient of spin waves to determine their spatial spectrum. The conditions for using the listed methods and the characteristics of spin waves that one can measure by means of these methods are discussed in detail. Results. The paper presents a number of fundamental results that have been obtained on the basis of described methods. For example, the probing method was successfully used to visualize the amplitude and phase distribution of spin waves in the ferrite film plane and, in particular, it was used to experimentally confirm the previously predicted appearance of super-directed propagation of surface and backward volume spin wave beams. The phase-shift measurement method made it possible to measure the dispersion dependence of spin waves in ferrite structures such as ferrite – metal and ferrite – dielectric – metal, where measurements cannot be made by the probing method. The method of measuring equiphase dependences of spin waves made it possible, in particular, to measure for the first time with great accuracy the value of an external magnetic field magnetizing an yttrium iron garnet film to saturation in various crystallographic directions. The method of intersecting wave beams has made it possible to clarify the mechanism of parametric instability of surface spin waves. Fourier analysis of the complex transfer coefficient of spin waves allowed to determine the spatial spectrum of these waves; in particular, dispersion dependences of higher modes of the backward volume spin wave were first measured using this method. Conclusion. The methods described in this paper may continue to be successfully used for investigations of spin waves characteristics in various magnon crystals, ferrite structures and meta-structures.
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