For citation:
Ginzburg N. S., Petelin M. I. Mode competition and cooperation in free-electron lasers. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1994, vol. 2, iss. 6, pp. 3-26.
Mode competition and cooperation in free-electron lasers
Mode interaction in free-electron lasers operating under homogeneous and inhomogeneous broading of amplification line is reviewed. Analytical and numerical methods demonstrate that in the case of homogeneous broading with increase of electron current the following stages take place successively: regime a) single mode oscillations, b) periodical selfmodulation (mode phase-locking), с) chaotic selfmodulation. It is important that in the last regime electron efficiency may essentially exceed efficiency of the single-mode operation regime. The enhancement is caused by the effect of stochastic particles deceleration in the multi-frequency chaotic radiated field, when an electron, having lost some energy to one mode, is trapped in synchronism by another mode, which corresponds to a lower phase velocity. It is shown that in the case of the monochromatic signal wave similar mechanism of deceleration and efficiency enhancement may be realized using incoherent pump wave or stochastic undulators.
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