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Izvestiya VUZ
applied nonlinear dynamics
ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)
General information
Aims and Scope
Editorial Board
Guidelines for Manuscript Submission
Procedures for Reviewing Manuscripts Submitted
Publishing ethics
Early Access
Review of Actual Problems of Nonlinear Dynamics
Nonlinear shear flow in rotating spherical layers and global atmosphere motion modelling
Stochastic ratchets
Synchronization of chaotic oscillators by means of periodic modulation of the coupling coefficient
Stochastic resonance and stochastic synchronization
Channels and jokers: neural view of complex dynamics
Information concerning the states open systems
Nonlinear dynamics of solid-state microwave devices
Informational dynamics of neurons
Scaling at the transition to chaos via destruction of quasiperiodic motion at the golden mean frequency ratio
Reconstruction of dynamical systems from chaotic time series: short review
Nonlinear dynamics of information processing in neural networks
An introduction то continuous wavelet analysis for specialists in field of nonlinear dynamics
Self-organized criticality and risk analysis
Nonlinear problems of molecular physics
Competitors’ probability distribution law, state scale invariance and linear growth models
An introduction tо continuous wavelet analysis for specialists in field of nonlinear dynamics. Part 2 Routes to chaos from point of wavelet analysis
Statistical properties of deterministic and noisy chaotic systems
Controlling оf oscillation regimes in electron beams with overcritical current with the aid of different types of feedback
Kolmogorov and KAM-thеоrу: Remarks on the history of the theory creation
Nonlinear Waves 2006
Two-dimensional distributed feedback as a method for generation of powerful coherent radiation from spatially-extended relativistic electron beams
Collective dynamics of networks of active units with pulse coupling: Review
On homoclinic attractors of three-dimensional flows
A brief review of the research results of new methods for generating, transmitting and receiving oscillations and waves based on fractal geometry methods
Mathematical theory of dynamical chaos and its applications: Review Part 2. Spiral chaos of three-dimensional flows
Reconstruction of model equations of networks of oscillators with delay in node dynamics and couplings between them: Review
Terahertz vacuum electromagnetic radiation sources: evolution zigzag from klynotron to klynoorbictron
About current state high frequency vacuum electronic and microelectronic devices with field emission
Determining the value of the structure water-containing environment of living tissue in biomedical radio-electronic nanotechnologies millimetric and terahertz ranges
By the theory of the electron waves and the discrete electron-wave interaction in the stopbands of the slow-wave systems
Radiative processes, radiation instability and chaos in the radiation formed by relativistic beams moving in three-dimensional (two-dimensional) space-periodic structures (natural and photonic crystals)
Phenomenon of the van der pol equation
Progress and prospect of wavelet transform application to the analysis of nonstationary nonlinear dates in contemporary geophysics
Vacuum particle creation in strong fields: statistical aspects
Longitudinal coherence of optical field
Distribution of the laminar phases in the case of type-I intermittency with noise
Methods of measuring chaotic synchronization
Multifractal analysis of digital images
Wavelet-analysis and examples of it's applications
Modeling from time series and applications to processing of complex signals
Unique properties of open cavities and wavegiudes containing layered metamaterial
Development and improvement of field emitters containing carbon materials
Theory of waveguides excitation
Stochastic bifurcations
Chaos and nonintegrability in hamiltonian systems
Autonomous systems with quasiperiodic dynamics examples and their properties: review
Hyperbolic strange attractors of physically realizable systems
Spectral problems for the Perron–Frobenius operator
Patterns in excitable dynamics driven by additive dichotomic noise
Two-stream instability – linear and nonlinear microwave phenomena
Two-stream instability – linear and nonlinear microwave phenomena
Ultrawideband wireless sensor networks based on chaotic radiopulses
Fractional diffusion equation for aging and equilibrated random walks
Entropy and forecasting of time series in the theory of dynamical systems
Self-sustained oscillations in quasiharmonic and chaotic oscillators in the presence of fluctuations
Wavelet transform of time series and atmosphere dynamics
"кристаллы" и "квазикристаллы" в неравновесных средах
Генезис схемы чуа
Polynomial eigenfuctions of the perron–frobenius operator
Turbulence in microwave electronics: teoretical approaches and experimental results
Конкуренция и кооперация мод в лазерах на свободных электронах
Нелинейные волны, хаос и структуры в сверхвысокочастотной электронике: обзор тематического выпуска
Автоколебания в распределенных системах "электронный поток - встречная (обратная) электромагнитная волна"
Эколого-экономические аналогии
Mathematical theory of dynamical chaos and its applications: review part 1. Pseudohyperbolic attractors
«Exotic» models of high-intensity wave physics: linearizing equations, exactly solvable problems and non-analytic nonlinearities
Simple electronic chaos generators and their circuit simulation
Nonlinear dynamical models of neurons: Review
Fractional models in hydromechanics
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