For citation:
Dudko G. M., Filimonov Y. A. Numerical investigation of self-action effects of backward volume magnetostatic waves confined beams in ferromagnetic films. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1999, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 17-28. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-1999-7-2-17-28
Numerical investigation of self-action effects of backward volume magnetostatic waves confined beams in ferromagnetic films
Self-action effects of backward volume magnetostatic waves confined beams in ferromagnetic films were studied numerically in the framework of nonstationary two-dimensional nonlinear Shrodinger equation. It was found, that for equation coefficients and power levels typical for dipole waves the character of numerical solution corresponds to transverse instability of waves in the form of self-focusing and self-canalization effects. Self-focusing and self-canalization effects of wave beams with different aperture function are quality similar for equal levels of average input power. In case of aperture functions with several local extreme, wave beams self-canalization leads to spatial solution collision effects.
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