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Izvestiya VUZ
applied nonlinear dynamics
ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)
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Early Access
Nonlinear Waves. Solitons
Gap solitons
Nonlinear - elastic waves in Mindlin - Herrmann rod
Exact soliton-like solution of the fifth-order nonlinear evolution equation
Numerical investigation of self-action effects of backward volume magnetostatic waves confined beams in ferromagnetic films
Modeling of nonlinear processes on magnetostatic waves in coupled ferromagnetic structures
Beams of magnetostatic backward volume waves at simultaneous developmentof self-modulation and self-focusing processes
Magnetostatic waves self-modulation under the external periodic force
Transformation of isolated MHD disturbances in planetary magnetic resonator
Coupled rotators approach to the dynamics of interacting magnetic layers
Selfaction of 2D-pulses of backward volume magnetostatic waves under propagation in ferromagnetic films
Oscillations in thе distributed system of interacting backward waves at the presence of fluctuations
Nonlinear dynamics of spatial and temporal patterns in lasers and atom optics: Kerr-lens mode-locked laser, Zeeman laser and Bose-Einstein atomic condensate
The effect of parametric processes on the propagation of spin waves in cross-shaped structures based on waveguides from yttrium iron garnet films
The ring system with nonlinear elements, described by the two waves interaction model, manifesting the phenomena of complex analytical dynamics
Passage of the magnetostatic wave propagating through the lattice on the basis of the magnon crystal
Mode localization in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chains with arbitrary degree of nonlinearity
Nonlinear electromagnetic wave passing through the layer with quadratic and fractionally-polynomial permittivity dependences on amplitude
Kink dynamics in the discrete Klein–Gordon model with asymmetric potential in the presence of AC driving
Characteristics of gap discrete breathers in crystals with NaCl structure
Solitons in two-fluid magnetohydrodynamics with nonzero electron inertia
Introduction to discrete breathers theory
The leaky modes of multilayered waveguide with nonlinear dielectrics
Magnetostatic surface waves parametric instability in two-dimensional (2D) magnonic crystals
Discrete breathers and quasibreathers in nonlinear monoatomic chains
Chaotic dynamics in the systems of coupling nonautonomous oscillators with resonance and nonresonance communicator of the signal
Magnetostatic surface wave pulses self-action effects under propagation in ferrite-dielectric-metal structures
Nonlinear transmission lines on the basis of coupled systems with ferromagnetic films
Numerical modelling of magnetostatic wave soliton formation process
Nonlinear model of interaction of various power level signals in resonance transmission line on magnetostatic waves
Mechanisms of formation of envelope solitons in periodic ferromagnetic structures
Semiconductor analogue of Lorenz turbulence model in the circular thermoconvective cell
О динамической системе, порожденной уравнением уизема с осциллирующим ядром
Модуляционная неустойчивость волн пространственного заряда
Уединенные волны пространственного заряда
Резистивный кровеносный сосуд как нелинейная механическая система
Nonlinear waves in cylinder shell containing viscous liquid, under the impact of surrounding elastic medium and structural damping in longitudinal direction
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