For citation:
Sharaevskaya A. Y., Popov P. A., Osokin S. A. Numerical simulation of magnetostatic waves propagation in coupled meander-type magnon crystals. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020, vol. 28, iss. 4, pp. 425-434. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2020-28-4-425-434
Numerical simulation of magnetostatic waves propagation in coupled meander-type magnon crystals
Purpose of the work is to generalize the results of numerical studies for coupled magnonic meander structures in the case of the propagation of various types of magnetostatic waves in such structures. Methods. In order to solve the problems two well-known methods were used – finite elements and finite differences for coupled ferromagnetic structures. For the numerical solution with the finite element method in the magnetostatic approximation, the magnetostatic equations derived from Maxwell’s equations were used. To calculate the internal effective fields, a micromagnetic simulations were carried out using the finite difference method. Results. The features of the propagation of magnetostatic spin waves in coupled periodic complex structures in the form of two coupled meander-type magnonic crystals separated by a dielectric layer based on numerical simulation by the finite element method are studied. It is shown that the method used allows one to obtain dispersion equations for surface, forward volume and backward volume magnetostatic spin waves propagating in such structures and to reveal the main features of the dispersion characteristics of these waves. Conclusion. It is shown that, under certain conditions, forbidden bands gaps appear in the spectra due to the Bragg reflection and the complex structure of the magnonic waveguide. The width and position of these forbidden zones depends on the parameters of the magnetic films, their geometric dimensions and the direction of the constant magnetic field. The results can be utilized in creating frequency-selective devices for the selective processing of information signals in the microwave range based on magnonic crystals.
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