For citation:
Bogomolov G. D., Kleev A. I. On the theory of the quasi-optical resonators with periodical structures. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1999, vol. 7, iss. 4, pp. 75-86. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-1999-7-4-75-86
On the theory of the quasi-optical resonators with periodical structures
In the present paper we discuss the results of а numerical investigation of the quasi-optical resonator with a periodical structure (a grating) used at the relativistic orotron. To obtain its operation in the sub-millimeter wavelength range (the wavelengths from 20-30 microns to 1 mm) it is possible to use an electron beam with several MeV energy. A periodic structure with the period close to the wavelength must be used for the relativistic electron beams. A method for numerical analysis of the quasi-optical resonator with а corrugated mirror are presented. The method under consideration is applied to the case when the period of the structure is close to the wavelength. It has been found that there were some resonance effects which took place when the period of the corrugation was close to the wavelength. For instance, it has been shown that for a specific value of the corrugation depth, the Gaussian beam was reflected from the structure without distortion. The calculations demonstrate that when the depth is close to this specific value, the quasi-optical resonator losses are being changed drastically. The optimal grating parameters which provide maximum field-beam interaction and minimal losses have been obtained.
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