For citation:
Khlebtsov N. G., Bogatyrev V. A., Dykman L. A., Krasnov Y. M., Melnikov A. G. Optical properties of colloidal-gold bioconjugates. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2002, vol. 10, iss. 3, pp. 172-187. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2002-10-3-172-187
Optical properties of colloidal-gold bioconjugates
We discuss optical properties of single ог aggregated colloidal-gold conjugates that саn be fabricated by adsorption of a biopolymer onto the surface of nanoparticles. To simulate extinction аnd scattering of light by such structures, we apply the generalized multisphere Mie solution and the discrete dipole approximation along with а computer model of cluster-cluster aggregation. Our consideration includes the following topics: statistical and orientational averaging of optical observables; optical effects related to the chain-like structures; effects оf polymer coating and interparticle spacing; simulation оf kinetic changes in the optical properties of aggregated sols formed during biospecific binding; modification оf the exact multipole approach for the case of two-layered monomers. In the rest оf this paper, we give а short review of our experimental work оn the topic (including biomedical applications) and provide experimental examples concerning the optical monitoring of biospecific interactions оn а nanometer scale.
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