For citation:
Poizner B. N. Replicator as a mediator between man and history. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1999, vol. 7, iss. 6, pp. 83-104. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-1999-7-6-83-104
Replicator as a mediator between man and history
How the interaction of man and history of open sociocultural system can be described? It is suggested to operate by the concept of replicator (R) — self-reproducing and changeable information integrity. R are considered as agents of constructive chaos, while one of R — in the moment of system history discontinuity — stimulates the transition from chaos to order and determines «intrinsic form» of structuring and tradition. It is showed that R is general category of synthesizing sciences: nonlinear dynamics (synergetics), cyclistics, diatropics, memetics, theory of neural nets, and teleological theory of information. It is maintained that synthesizing sciences are closest allies of history in integration movement of the natural science and the humanities. Four renovation mechanisms of replicators that determine nonlinear dynamics of history are described. It is underlined that the duality with which man shows one’s worth is essential with respect to the modecling of history streams. Due to the duality man: 1) seeks for scrupulously reproducing of replicators content, 2) is in competition with other transforming or obliterating some replicators and creating new R — «quanta of history». The latter is topical in two aspects: saving of ability to initiative, i.e. to risk, and attaching
to the initiative the forms acceptable in plane of values.
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