For citation:
Elisov M. V. Self-organization dynamics of charge carrier concentration in semiconductors due to the charge injection. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023, vol. 31, iss. 5, pp. 622-627. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-003064, EDN: ZQFLQI
Self-organization dynamics of charge carrier concentration in semiconductors due to the charge injection
The purpose of this study is to investigate the phenomenon of self-organization of the dynamics of charge carriers in semiconductor structures. Investigate the basic model, give a numerical estimate for given parameters and propose its modification. Determine the dependence of the evaluation results on the control parameter. Consider the dynamics when the control parameter depends on time. Carry out theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and build graphs.
Methods. In this paper, we investigate the possibilities and limitations of the basic model of generation-recombination dynamics in semiconductors, proposed earlier by other researchers. A modification of this model was proposed and considered.
Results. Various types of charge carrier concentration dynamics are demonstrated.Theoretical analysis of the model was carried out. Numerical simulation has shown that for certain values of the control parameter, stable states are observed. Numerical estimates of the control parameter were obtained, phase portraits of the nonlinear equation were constructed, and the behavior of the dynamical system was considered when the control parameter is periodic. The extended model showed a qualitatively new behavior in comparison with the basic one.
Conclusion. It is shown that charge dynamics in semiconductor structures can exhibit different behaviors. The patterns and estimates obtained are consistent with those obtained earlier. The results obtained can be verified experimentally and will be useful in the development of photo- and beta-voltaic devices.
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