For citation:
Bandurkin I. V., Bratman V. L., Kalynov J. K., Manuilov V. N., Savilov A. V., Samsonov S. V. Terahertz gyrotrons at high cyclotron harmonics. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2008, vol. 16, iss. 3, pp. 156-175. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2008-16-3-156-175
Terahertz gyrotrons at high cyclotron harmonics
The results of first experiments and future trends in advancing to sub-THz and THz frequency ranges with self-oscillators working at high cyclotron harmonics and gyromultipliers are discussed. In both varieties of gyrotrons, selective excitation of high harmonics can be simplified by the use of electron beams describing helical trajectories whose centers are close to the cavity axis (the configuration of Large Orbit Gyrotron). In gyromultipliers, the additional selective properties are provided due to obtrusion of frequency and spatial field structure from the relatively low-frequency signal, which may be either inserted from the outside, or excited by the same electron beam used for nonlinear frequency conversion. In the latter case, the most attractive schemes for THz range are those where excitation of low- and high-frequency radiation takes place in a single volume.
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