«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2008, vol. 16, Iss. 3
- 2567 reads
History. Personalia
Dmitriev B. S., Zharkov Y. D., Kalinin Y. A.
On the development of a physical experiment in microwave electronics and nonlinear dynamics
Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Landa P. S.
Changes in the effective parameters of averaged motions in nonlinear systems subject to noise or vibration
Dmitriev A. S., Efremova E. V., Nikishov A. J., Panas A. I.
Low-power chaotic transistor generators
Dmitrichev A. S., Nekorkin V. I.
Stationary localized activity structures in two-dimensional ensemble of Fitzhugh–Nagumo neurons with oscillatory threshold
Kuznetsov A. P., Emelianova Y. P., Stankevich N. V., Turukina L. V.
Pulsed synchronization and synchronization in coupled systems: new aspects of classical problem
Nonlinear Waves. Solitons
Innovations in applied physics
Luksha O. I., Sominski G. G., Samsonov D. B., Dammertz G. ., Piosczyk B. ., Thumm M. .
Investigation of possibility to use ion treatment for enhancement of gyrotron cathode quality
Kuraev A. A., Lushickaja I. V., Popkova T. L., Rak A. O., Sinicyn A. K.
Relativistic TWT and BWO on irregular waveguides with cathode filter-modulator
Bandurkin I. V., Bratman V. L., Kalynov J. K., Manuilov V. N., Savilov A. V., Samsonov S. V.
Terahertz gyrotrons at high cyclotron harmonics
Methodical Papers on Nonlinear Dynamics
Ajdarova J. S., Kuznetsov S. P.
Chaotic dynamics of Hunt model – artificially constructed flow system with a hyperbolic attractor