For citation:
Zavershinskij I. P., Kogan E. J., Molevich N. E. The formation of dissipative structures in the acoustic field. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1993, vol. 1, iss. 3, pp. 87-96.
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The formation of dissipative structures in the acoustic field
Zavershinskij Igor Petrovich, Samara State University
Kogan Efim Jakovlevich, Samara State University
Molevich Nonna Evgenevna, Samara branch of Physical Institute. P. N. Lebedev Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences
A theory describing the formation of plasma—acoustic structures in a non-equilibrium plasma has been built. The community of the evolutionary equations in геlaxing gas media and in plasma has been shown. The investigation of non-linear dynamics of non-equilibrium gas and plasma media is made on the ground of these basic equations.
Key words:
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