ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)

For citation:

Trubetskova I. A. University universe of the principal g. K. Hvorostin: the birth and the death. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, vol. 25, iss. 2, pp. 89-103. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2017-25-2-89-103

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378.4(470.44-25)(09)+929 Хворостин

University universe of the principal g. K. Hvorostin: the birth and the death

Trubetskova Irina Alekseevna, MOU "Lyceum of Applied Sciences"

This article is dedicated to the investigation of little-known facts of the life and the activity of the repressed principal of Saratov University G. K. Hvorostin, who headed the HEI in 1935–1937 years and during this short time transformed it from provincial, weaken (because of political "cleaning") educational institute into progressive scientific center. For the first time ever into scientific rotation inducts unpublished materials of Hvorostin’s personal data file, records of hearings of party committee, kept in The State Archive of the newest history of Saratov region and in The Archive of Saratov University. The main attention is payed to the personnel policy of the repressed principle: the opening of the new departments and institutes, the invitation to work of new professors, because of ideological reasons fired from HEI’s of Moscow and Saint-Petersburg, the creation of favorable conditions for growth conditions of young talented scientists. G. K. Hvorostin was involved into the idea of the transformation of SSU into the new "University of Gottingen in Volga-river". In this article is adducted the statistic which shows, how many goals he reached. The activity of unordinary principle was interrupted by the arrestment. Invitation of metropolitan scientists, whose part was disgraced, raised incisive criticism from the university’s party committee. The principle was accused in Trotskyism and sabotage. Under these circumstances scientists, invited by Hvorostin, like I.G. Petrovskiy, A.Y. Hinchin, later have become the pride of the Soviet science. Archived materials, contained in the article, show the drama of the last days of Hvorostin’s work before his expulsion from the party and the arrestment in the 2 of August in 1937. Despite of the posthumous rehabilitation in 1956, the name of G.K. Hvorostin wasn’t mentioned in the official history of Saratov State University, and until nowadays many facts of his biography and activity need improvement and elaborate study, what contribute to the actuality of the article.

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