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Tukmakov D. A. Numerical simulation of oscillations of an electrically charged heterogeneous medium due to inter-component interaction. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, vol. 27, iss. 3, pp. 73-85. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2019-27-3-73-85

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533:6, 533:9;519.688

Numerical simulation of oscillations of an electrically charged heterogeneous medium due to inter-component interaction

Tukmakov D. A., IME - Subdivision of FIC KazanSC of RAS

Aim. The aim of the work is the numerical study of the oscillations of two-phase medium (a mixture of gas and a dispersed phase of solid particles) which caused by electric charge of the dispersed component, and the reciprocal effect of the dynamics of gas and solid particles, as well as the effect of linear size of dispersed particles on the dynamic processes. Methods. With the help of numerical models of electrically charged suspension was modeled in different modes of oscillatory dynamics in a dusty environment. It was assumed that electrically charged are solid particles. In the simulated process, the charge of all particles has the same sign. Dusty environment is modeled as monodisperse – all particles have the same size, it is also assumed that all particles consist of a material with the same density and heat capacity. Mathematical model assumes high-speed and temperature non-equilibrium of studied processes. The model takes into account the interphase heat transfer and interphase force interaction, which includes the Stokes force, the force of the attached masses and the dynamic force of Archimedes. The carrier medium – gas – is assumed to be viscous, compressible and heat-conducting. The system of equations is solved by an explicit second-order MacCormack finite-difference method. A scheme of nonlinear correction of the grid function is used to obtain a monotone solution. Results. Influence of the particle size of the dispersed phase on the velocity and oscillation frequency of the heterogeneous medium is revealed. The dependence between the particle size of the dispersed phase and the intensity of redistribution of the «average density» of particles of the dispersed phase is revealed, and the effect of particle size on changes in the pressure in the channel during the oscillation movements of the mixture is determined

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