For citation:
Poizner B. N. Charisma: replication of reception. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2004, vol. 12, iss. 5, pp. 72-97. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2004-12-5-72-97
Charisma: replication of reception
Why the phenomenon of charisma deserves attention of social synergetics? How the sense of «charisma» concept has varied from antiquity up to now? What is a peculiarity of the charisma reception in Russian culture? How the midst of charismatic looks through the prism of nonlinear dynamics? The author aspires to answer similar questions proceeding from following thesis: propagation of the judgement about some person as a charismatic is typical case of a cultural pattern replication. The author bases on works on synergetics, theory of culture, sociology, linguistics, history of science, philosophical anthropology, examples of publicist style.
In preceding parts of the paper characteristics of charisma as a psychological phenomenon starting in primeval society is done. Etymology of «charisma», meaning constants and variables of the word are shown. Contexts in which concept of charisma is used in Christianity, Judaism, East philosophy are touched. Some semantic peculiarities of the concept in Russian, French, English languages are noted. Interpretations of charisma in Shamanism, Christianity, modern cultural practice (the last is distinguished by vulgarization of the word) are compared. Concepts of charismatic and genius are
compared. Replication of human activity structures is interpreted as a dynamical aspect of culture and a mechanism of culture self-renewal.
Part 3
In third part non-linear interaction stages of the masses, charismatic and his promoters are described. The scheme known as «order out of chaos» and the concept of the replication are used. The suggested synergetic approach is applied to interpretation of soviet scholars’ perception of academician N. Marr and his «new doctrine оп language». An attitude to a charismatic is discussed as one of manifestation of the people spirit.
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