For citation:
Landa P. S. Сhaotic oscillations in a model of vocal source. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1998, vol. 6, iss. 4, pp. 57-67. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-1998-6-4-57-67
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Сhaotic oscillations in a model of vocal source
Landa Polina Solomonovna, Lomonosov Moscow State University
A model of human vocal folds in the form of two spring-loaded plates, which can collide with one another, is considered. It is shown that due to air flow between the plates excilation of chaotic self-oscillations occurs. In this process the shape of oscillations of flow volume velocity was found to be close to observed experimentally.
Key words:
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