ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)

Shalfeev Vladimir Dmitrievich

Shalfeev Vladimir Dmitrievich's picture
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Заведующий кафедрой теории колебаний.
Additional information: 
Действительный член Академии инженерных наук РФ. Область научных интересов: динамика нелинейных систем, теория синхронизации, пространственно-временной хаос, структуры.

Статьи автора

Авторы Название статьи Журнал
Matrosov V. V., Shalfeev V. D. Dynamic model of economic cycles origin
Motova M. I., Shalfeev V. D. From theory of oscillations to nonlinear dynamics
Alekseev A. A., Kozlov A. K., Shalfeev V. D. Chaotic regime and synchronous response in generator with frequency feedback control loop
Kozlov A. K., Shalfeev V. D. Controlling of chaotic oscillations in generator with delayed phase-locked loop
Kanakov O. I., Shalfeev V. D. Formation of stationary patterns in lattices of bistable elements with two types of nonlinearity
Mishagin K. G., Matrosov V. V., Shalfeev V. D., Shohnin V. V. Generation of chaotic oscillations in experimental scheme of three cascade-coupled phase systems
Matrosov V. V., Shalfeev V. D. Dynamic chaos in phase systems
Mishagin K. G., Shalfeev V. D., Ponomarenko V. P. Nonlinear dynamics of phasing systems in antenna arrays
Kanakov O. I., Flah S. ., Shalfeev V. D. Introduction to discrete breathers theory
Bakunov G. M., Matrosov V. V., Shalfeev V. D. On quasi-­synchronous regimes in a phase lock loop with the second­-order filter and approximate inclusion of the delay
Mishchenko M. A., Shalfeev V. D., Matrosov V. V. Neuron-like dynamics in phase-locked loop
Matrosov V. V., Shalfeev V. D. Simulation of business and financial cycles: Self-oscillation and synchronization
Kozlov A. K., Matrosov V. V., Shalfeev V. D. About dynamics of publication activity on synchronization
Matrosov V. V., Shalfeev V. D. Coupled economic oscillations — synchronization dynamical model