ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)

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Podladchikova L. N., Tikidji-Hamburyan R. A., Tikidji-Hamburyan A. V., Shevtsova N. A., Vasilkov V. A., Belova E. I., Ishenko I. A. Activity synchronization of different neuron types in the columns of the cerebral visual cortex. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2011, vol. 19, iss. 6, pp. 83-95. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2011-19-6-83-95

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612.825; 51–76

Activity synchronization of different neuron types in the columns of the cerebral visual cortex

Podladchikova Ljubov Nikolaevna, Research Institute of Neurocybernetics them. A.B. Kogan, Southern Federal University
Tikidji-Hamburyan Ruben Akimovich, Research Institute of Neurocybernetics them. A.B. Kogan, Southern Federal University
Tikidji-Hamburyan Aleksandra Vladlenovna, Research Institute of Neurocybernetics them. A.B. Kogan, Southern Federal University
Vasilkov Vjacheslav Aleksandrovich, Research Institute of Neurocybernetics them. A.B. Kogan, Southern Federal University
Belova Evgenija Ivanovna, Research Institute of Neurocybernetics them. A.B. Kogan, Southern Federal University
Ishenko Irina Aleksandrovna, Research Institute of Neurocybernetics them. A.B. Kogan, Southern Federal University

The results of neurophysiological and modeling studies focused on activity synchronization among of different types of neurons and spike shape dynamics in two bistability transition states have been presented. In modeling study, spike duration range of «fast» и «slow» neurons recorded in neurophysiological experiments were simulated. While simulation of model element groups with different properties of short-term and long-term activity dynamics, it was revealed that degree of their activity synchronization depend on frequency and power of input influences; it was maximal at high frequency of super threshold input signals. Possible approach to the study of column functioning mechanisms and dynamics operations inside the columns have been considered.

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