«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2011, vol. 19, Iss. 6
- 2579 reads
Nonlinear Dynamics and Neuroscience
Chernavskaya O. D., Chernavskii D. S., Karp V. P., Nikitin A. P.
On the role of «pattern» and «symbol» concepts for simulation of the thinking process via neurocomputing
Chernavskii D. S., Karp V. P., Nikitin A. P., Chernavskaya O. D.
The construction scheme of neuroprocessors able to realize the basic functions of thinking and scientific creativity
Karp V. P., Sarukhanov B. A.
Nonlinear dynamics of an expert,s thinking and algorithms of his professional knowledge expansion by example of medical problems
Zeveke A. V., Polevaia S. A.
Skin sensitivity: specificity of the dynamics of spatialtemporal patterns of activity of mechanoreceptors versus «labeled lines»
Parin S. B., Chernova M. A., Polevaia S. A.
Adaptive control signals of a mismatch in cognitive processes: the role of the endogenous opioid system
Antonets V. A., Levchuk I. V.
Subjective evaluation of semantically unlike objects during exchange transactions
Podladchikova L. N., Tikidji-Hamburyan R. A., Tikidji-Hamburyan A. V., Shevtsova N. A., Vasilkov V. A., Belova E. I., Ishenko I. A.
Activity synchronization of different neuron types in the columns of the cerebral visual cortex
Tsukerman V. D., Eremenko Z. S., Karimova O. V., Kulakov S. V., Sazykin A. A.
Cognitive neurodynamics two strategies navigation behavior of organisms
Sokolov M. E., Kuznetsova G. D., Nuidel I. V., Yakhno V. G.
Simulator of the dynamic processes of sensor signal processing in talamocortical networks
Yakhno V. G.
Dynamic modes of the sensor signal consciousness in neuronlike models: ways to the «neuromorphic» intellect and problems
Makarenko A. V., Pravdivtsev A. V., Volovik M. G.
Problems of modeling and analysis of infrared thermo maps human brain
Yakhno Y. V., Molkov J. I., Mukhin D. N., Loskutov E. M., Feigin A. M.
Reconstruction of an evolution operator as a technique of analysis of epileptiform electric brain activity
Sitnikova E. Y., Koronovskii A. A., Hramov A. E.
Analysis of epileptic activity of brain in case of absence epilepsy: applied aspects of nonlinear dynamics