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Izvestiya VUZ
applied nonlinear dynamics
ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)
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Early Access
Nonlinear Dynamics and Neuroscience
A spiking binary neuron — detector of causal links
The new approach to calculation of physiological cost of activity: antinociception and normalization of the respiratory pattern of heart rate variability
Regulation of burst dynamics in the neuron-glial network with synaptic plasticity
Discrete traveling waves in a relay system of differential-difference equations modeling a fully connected network of synaptically connected neurons
Efficiency of convolutional neural networks of different architecture for the task of depression diagnosis from EEG data
Studying electrical activity of the brain within the concept of coordination of rhythmic processes
Serching the structure of couplings in a chaotic maps ensemble by means of neural networks
Biomorphic navigation system version
Mathematical model for controlling brain neuroplasticity during neurofeedback
Synchronization regimes in the ring of rodent hippocampal neurons at limbic epilepsy
Artificial neural network with dynamic synapse model
A new approach to mathematical modeling of chemical synapses
Using machine learning algorithms to determine the emotional maladjustment of a person by his rhythmogram
Spiking neural network with local plasticity and sparse connectivity for audio classification
Study of the influence of synaptic plasticity on the formation of a feature space by a spiking neural network
Relay model of a fading neuron
Synchronization analysis of time series obtained from anesthetized rats during painful action
Development of an algorithm for detecting slow peak-wave activity in non-convulsive forms of epilepsy
Synchronisation of the ensemble of nonidentical FitzHugh–Nagumo oscillators with memristive couplings
Modeling of the Hodgkin–Huxley neural oscillators dynamics using an artificial neural network
Electric fish as an object of fundamental research
Collective dynamics of a neural network of excitable and inhibitory populations: oscillations, tristability, chaos
Classification of brain activity using synolitic networks
Mathematical model for epileptic seizures detection on an EEG recording
Oscillatory characteristics in the brain activity of the newborns and their correlation with different gestational ages
Marking stages of REM and non-REM sleep using recurrent analysis
Noise influence on recurrent neural network with nonlinear neurons
Calculation of the cyclic characteristics of the electroencephalogram for investigation of the electrical activity of the brain
Ambient light at night causes desynchronization of rhythms in the sleep–wake switching model
Methodology of the neurophysiological experiments with visual stimuli to assess foreign language proficiency
Integrated information and its application for analysis of brain neuron activity
Working memory capacity: the role of parameters of spiking neural network model
Ring generator of neuron-like activity with tunable frequency
Synchronization of excitation waves in a two-layer network of FitzHugh–Nagumo neurons with noise modulation of interlayer coupling parameters
Estimation of impulse action parameters using a network of neuronlike oscillators
Postulates of the cognitive theory of thinking and their consequences
Neurodynamic model for creative cognition of relational networks with even cyclic inhibition
Clinical aspects of nonlinear dynamics of cognitive processes: features of sensorimotor activity in patients at the clinical phase of COVID-19
Measuring cognitive potential based on the performance of tasks of various levels of complexity
Compartmental spiking neuron model CSNM
Construction of the fitness function depending on a set of competing strategies based on the analysis of population dynamics
Transition from ergodic to many-body localization regimes in open quantum systems in terms of the neural-network ansatz
Multielectrode registration of episodic discharges generated by weakly electric fishes
Hemodynamic response in the motor cortex to execution of different types of movements
Revealing the neural network underlying covert picture-naming paradigm using magnetoencephalography
Influence of «sensory prehistory» on the ambiguous stimuli processing in the human brain
Common mechanisms of attractorless oscillatory regimes in radioengineering models of brain thalamocortical network
Dynamics of an artificial recurrent neural network for the problem of modeling a cognitive function
Periodic modes of group dominance in fully coupled neural networks
Nonlinear phenomena in Kuramoto networks with dynamical couplings
Human brain state monitoring in perceptual decision-making tasks
Calcium concentration in astrocytes: Emergence of complicated spontaneous oscillations and their cessation
Network activity in primary hippocampal cultures upon HIF-prolyl hydroxylase inhibition
Recurrence quantification analysis provides the link between age-related decline in motor brain response and complexity of the baseline EEG
Boundaries of computational complexity and optimal cluster’s quantity for controlled swarm in non-cooperative games
Mathematical model and dynamical analysis of the human equilibrium seeking training
On trajectory tracking control of prismatic and revolute joined robotic manipulators
Control of network bursting discharges by local electrical stimulation in spiking neuron network
Modern research on primary school children brain functioning in the learning process: Review
Cycles-canards and torus-canards in a weakly inhomogeneous ensemble of FitzHugh–Nagumo neurons with excitatory synaptic couplings
Thalamo-cortical dysrhythmia and its diagnostic principles
Interaction between PFC neural networks ultraslow fluctuations and brain oscillations
Dynamics of a network of map-based model neurons for supervised learning of a reservoir computing system
Detecting the primary time scale of evolution of information properties for local field potentials in brain at absence epilepsy
On the role of «pattern» and «symbol» concepts for simulation of the thinking process via neurocomputing
The construction scheme of neuroprocessors able to realize the basic functions of thinking and scientific creativity
Nonlinear dynamics of an expert,s thinking and algorithms of his professional knowledge expansion by example of medical problems
Adaptive control signals of a mismatch in cognitive processes: the role of the endogenous opioid system
Skin sensitivity: specificity of the dynamics of spatialtemporal patterns of activity of mechanoreceptors versus «labeled lines»
Optimization of basis function set for model map reconstruction of short electroencephalogram tracings during epileptic seizure
Sequential switching activity in the ensemble of nonidentical poincare systems
Sequential activity in neuronal ensembles with excitatory couplings
Oscillatory media properties influence on excitation propagation
Neuron-like dynamics in phase-locked loop
Method for detecting of two types of brain neural ensemble activity during sleep according to electroencephalographic records
Calcium oscillations in astrocytes. Part 1 Astrocyte as generator of calcium oscillations
Calcium oscillations in astrocytes. Part 2 Dynamics of interacting calcium oscillators
Subjective evaluation of semantically unlike objects during exchange transactions
Activity synchronization of different neuron types in the columns of the cerebral visual cortex
Fractal analysis of neuron’s activity and model’s behavior
Problems of modeling and analysis of infrared thermo maps human brain
Analysis of epileptic activity of brain in case of absence epilepsy: applied aspects of nonlinear dynamics
Dynamic modes of the sensor signal consciousness in neuronlike models: ways to the «neuromorphic» intellect and problems
Cognitive neurodynamics two strategies navigation behavior of organisms
Reconstruction of an evolution operator as a technique of analysis of epileptiform electric brain activity
Simulator of the dynamic processes of sensor signal processing in talamocortical networks
Dynamics of local potentials of brain at the absence-epilepsy: empirical modelling
Autonomous and nonautonomous dynamics of functional model of serotonergic neuron
Creativity – unpredictability and information production
Wavelet analysis of sleep spindles on EEG and development of method for their automatic diagnostic
Regular and chaotic oscillations in astrocyte model with regulation of calcium release kinetics
A neural network as a predictor of the discrete map
The phenomenon of self-referential phase reset in ensembles of interacting FitzHugh–Nagumo neurons
Oscillatory instability and spontaneous subthreshold oscillations in a network of diffusively coupled calcium oscillators
Feature of simultaneous influence of excitatory synaptic currents on a neuron with differential responses
Alternative methods for spiral wave chaos control and suppressing in cardiac models
Dynamics of a network of interacting phase oscillators with dynamic couplings
Macroscopic model of visual processing in brain structures in normal condition and description of the transition to epileptiform regime
Research of dynamic modes in the mathematical model of elementary thalamocortical cell
Mathematics of mind
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