For citation:
Egorov N. M., Ponomarenko V. I., Melnikova S. N., Sysoev I. V., Sysoeva M. V. Common mechanisms of attractorless oscillatory regimes in radioengineering models of brain thalamocortical network. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021, vol. 29, iss. 6, pp. 927-942. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2021-29-6-927-942
Common mechanisms of attractorless oscillatory regimes in radioengineering models of brain thalamocortical network
This work aims to show that long transient processes in mesascale models of thalamocortical brain network can appear in very general case, in particular for different number of elements in the ensemble (different level of detalization) and different initial phase of external driving, with these regimes surviving at small variations of number and structure of couplings. Methods. Thalamocortical brain networks are modelled using electronic circuit realized using computer SPICE eluating software. FitzHugh – Nagumo analog generator is used as a single circuit element. Results. Long quasiregular and nonregular oscillation processes with stationary amplitude were shown to occur in ensembles of 14, 28 and 56 model FitzHug – Nagumo generators. The dependency of transient process length on the external driving initial phase and particular coupling matrix structure was studied. Conclusion. The proposed electronic models of thalamocortical system were proved to reproduce the pathological regimes of brain activity in similar way despite the number of elements in the circuit, connectivity matrix and initial driving phase.
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