ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)

For citation:

Fomin A. I., Vadivasova T. E., Sosnovtseva O. V., Anishchenko V. S. External phase synchronization of chaotic oscillators chain. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2000, vol. 8, iss. 4, pp. 103-112. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2000-8-4-103-112

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External phase synchronization of chaotic oscillators chain

Fomin Anton Igorevich, Saratov State University
Vadivasova Tatjana Evgenevna, Saratov State University
Sosnovtseva Olga Vladimirovna, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Anishchenko Vadim Semenovich, Saratov State University

External synchronization of a chain of chaotic Rossler oscillators with unidirectoral coupling is studied numerically. Synchronizing harmonic signal is applied to the first oscillator of chain. The region of synchronization is obtained on the plane of parameters «external frequency - coupling». Pecularities of dynamical regimes of the chain in this region are analized.

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The work was supported by the CRDF, Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, ONR № RЕС-006 (Contract № N68171-00-М-5430) and RFBR (№ 00-02-17512).
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