Arinushkin P. A., Kupriyanov V., Vadivasova T. E. |
Influence of Gaussian noise and Levy noise on the phase dynamics of the ensemble of Kuramoto-like oscillators of first and second order |
Новичкова В. А., Rybalova E. V., Ponomarenko V. I., Vadivasova T. E. |
Influence of coupling topology and noise on the possibility of frequency tuning in ensembles of FitzHugh–Nagumo oscillators |
Vadivasova T. E., Malyaev V. S. |
Bifurcations in van der pol oscillator with a hard excitation in a presence of parametrical noise: quasi-harmonic analyzes and the numerical simulations |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2013, vol. 21, Iss. 2 |
Slepnev A. V., Shepelev I. A., Vadivasova T. E. |
External synchronization of traveling waves in an active medium in self-sustained and excitable regime |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2014, vol. 22, Iss. 2 |
Semenov V. V., Listov A. S., Vadivasova T. E. |
Experimental study of stochastic phenomena in a selfsustained oscillator with subcritical andronov–hopf bifurcation |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2014, vol. 22, Iss. 5 |
Semenov V. V., Neiman A. B., Vadivasova T. E., Anishchenko V. S. |
Noise-induced effects in the double-well oscillator with variable friction |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2017, Vol. 24, Iss. 1 |
Korneev I. A., Shabalina O. G., Semenov V. V., Vadivasova T. E. |
Synchronization self-sustained oscillators interacting through the memristor |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2018, Vol. 26, Iss. 2 |
Shabunin A. V., Akopov A. A., Astakhov V. V., Vadivasova T. E. |
Running waves in a discrete anharmonic self-oscillating medium |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2005, vol. 13, Iss.4 |
Zaharova A. S., Vadivasova T. E., Anishchenko V. S. |
Influence of noise on chaotic self-sustained oscillations in the regime of spiral attractor |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2006, vol. 14, Iss. 5 |
Vadivasova T. E., Zaharova A. S. |
Spectral analysis of oscillations in the system of coupled chaotic self-sustained oscillators |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2007, vol. 15, Iss. 4 |
Malyaev V. S., Vadivasova T. E., Anishchenko V. S. |
Stochastic resonance, stochastic synchronization and noise-induced chaos in the duffing oscillator |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2007, vol. 15, Iss. 5 |
Astahov S. V., Vadivasova T. E., Anishchenko V. S. |
Studying of spatial transition to temporal chaos in active medium with unidirectional coupling |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2008, vol. 16, Iss. 2 |
Malyaev V. S., Vadivasova T. E., Tishina O. V., Anishchenko V. S. |
Chaos suppression and spectrum narrowing in a noise-stabilized unstable nonlinear oscillator |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2009, vol. 17, Iss. 1 |
Anishchenko V. S., Astakhov V. V., Vadivasova T. E., Strelkova G. I. |
Synchronization of regular, chaotic and stochastic fluctuations |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2009, vol. 17, Iss. 2 |
Vadivasova T. E., Zaharova A. S., Anishchenko V. S. |
Noise-induced bifurcations in bistable oscillator |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2009, vol. 17, Iss. 2 |
Anishchenko V. S., Vadivasova T. E., Strelkova G. I. |
Self-sustained oscillations in quasiharmonic and chaotic oscillators in the presence of fluctuations |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2009, vol. 17, Iss. 4 |
Vadivasova T. E., Anishchenko V. S. |
Stochastic bifurcations |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2009, vol. 17, Iss. 5 |
Anishchenko V. S., Vadivasova T. E. |
Lectures on nonlinear dynamics |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2010, vol. 18, Iss. 3 |
Kochanov A. A., Vadivasova T. E., Anishchenko V. S. |
Noise induced parametric instability and stochastic oscillations in the oscillator with nonlinear dissipation |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2011, vol. 19, Iss. 2 |
Slepnev A. V., Vadivasova T. E. |
Period doubling bifurcations and noise excitation effects in a multistable self-sustained oscillatory medium |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2011, vol. 19, Iss. 4 |
Malyaev V. S., Semenov V. V., Vadivasova T. E. |
Estimation of the main parameter values of nonlinear dynamic system with noise in experiment |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2012, vol. 20, Iss. 3 |
Vadivasova T. E., Slepnev A. V. |
The studies of the arising of oscillations in the quasiharmonic model of the selfsustained oscillatory medium under multiplicative noise excitation |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2012, vol. 20, Iss. 5 |
Korneev I. A., Slepnev A. V., Semenov V. V., Vadivasova T. E. |
Wave processes in a ring of memristively coupled self-excited oscillators |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2020, Vol. 28, Iss. 3 |
Vadivasova T. E., Strelkova G. I. |
To the memory of Vadim S. Anishchenko |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2021, Vol. 29, Iss. 1 |
Ramazanov I. R., Korneev I. A., Slepnev A. V., Vadivasova T. E. |
Synchronization of excitation waves in a two-layer network of FitzHugh–Nagumo neurons with noise modulation of interlayer coupling parameters |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2022, Vol. 30, Iss. 6 |
Anishchenko V. S., Vadivasova T. E., Strelkova G. I., Okrokvertskhov G. A. |
Statistical properties of deterministic and noisy chaotic systems |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2003, Vol. 11, Iss. 3 |
Anishchenko V. S., Astakhov V. V., Vadivasova T. E., Neiman A. B., Strelkova G. I., Schimansky-Geier L. . |
Nonlinear dynamics of chaotic and stochastic system |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2003, Vol. 11, Iss. 3 |
Akopov A. A., Vadivasova T. E., Astakhov V. V., Matyushkin D. D. |
Cluster synchronization in inhomogeneous autooscillation medium |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2003, Vol. 11, Iss. 4-5 |
Vadivasova T. E., Anishchenko V. S., Strelkova G. I., Fomin A. I. |
Cluster and global synchronization in a quasi-harmonic self-oscillatory chain in the presence of noise |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2002, Vol. 10, Iss. 3 |
Anishchenko V. S., Akopov A. A., Vadivasova T. E., Okrokvertskhov G. A., Astakhov V. V. |
Chaos in autooscillating medium due to spatial inhomogeneity |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2004, Vol. 12, Iss. 4 |
Kopeikin A. S., Matyushkin D. D., Vadivasova T. E., Sosnovtseva O. V., Anishchenko V. S. |
Synchronization effects in an array of coupled bistable systems |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2001, Vol. 9, Iss. 3 |
Fomin A. I., Vadivasova T. E., Sosnovtseva O. V., Anishchenko V. S. |
External phase synchronization of chaotic oscillators chain |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2000, Vol. 8, Iss. 4 |
Kopeikin A. S., Vadivasova T. E., Anishchenko V. S. |
Peculiarities of relaxation то invariant probability measure on chaotic attractors of Lorenz and Rossler systems in the presence of noise |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2000, Vol. 8, Iss. 6 |
Astakhov V. V., Balanov A. G., Sosnovtseva O. V., Vadivasova T. E. |
Loss of chaos synchronization in coupled Rossler systems |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 1999, Vol. 7, Iss. 5 |
Anishchenko V. S., Vadivasova T. E., Astakhov V. V. |
Nonlinear dynamics of chaotic and stochastic systems |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 1999, Vol. 7, Iss. 5 |
Vadivasova T. E., Sosnovtseva O. V. |
Dynamics of the chain of coupled circle maps with quasiperiodic force |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 1997, Vol. 5, Iss. 1 |
Balanov A. G., Vadivasova T. E., Postnov D. E., Sosnovtseva O. V. |
Bifurcation of chaotic synchronization in Rossler system with harmonic exitation |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 1997, Vol. 5, Iss. 5 |
Anishchenko V. S., Vadivasova T. E., Sosnovtseva O. V. |
Mechanisms of strange nonchaotic attractor birth in the ring map with quasiperiodic excitation |
«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 1995, vol. 3, Iss. 3 |