For citation:
Melnikov L. A., Konjuhov A. I., Veshneva I. V., Derbov V. L., Serov V. V. Nonlinear dynamics of spatial and temporal patterns in lasers and atom optics: Kerr-lens mode-locked laser, Zeeman laser and Bose-Einstein atomic condensate. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2002, vol. 10, iss. 3, pp. 40-62. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2002-10-3-40-62
Nonlinear dynamics of spatial and temporal patterns in lasers and atom optics: Kerr-lens mode-locked laser, Zeeman laser and Bose-Einstein atomic condensate
Nonlinear dynamics оf spatial and temporal behaviour of laser and atom optical systems is investigated numerically. Systems with nearly one scalar transverse mode (Kerr-lens mode-locked laser), with large number of vectorial transverse modes (Zeeman laser with large Fresnel number and anisotropic cavity), and non-ground collective states of Bose-Einstein condensate of trapped neutral atoms are considered. Attempts to classify the complex transverse polarization pattern dynamics are made basing on the vectorial Karhunen-Loeve modes and their singularity points character, including catastrophes and Newton diagrams. Excitation оf non-ground states оf atomic Bose-Einstein condensate via resonant perturbation is analyzed.
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